Tony Lahood Motors

620 Parramatta Rd, NSW, 2132
(02) 9799 9511

We have access to hundreds of quality used cars and if we don't have it in stock, we will find it for you!
Whether you are looking to buy a Toyota Corolla, a Honda CRV, a Volkswagen Polo, a Holden Astra, a Mitsubishi Mirage, a Mazda or any other car, we encourage you to contact us. We can not only offer you the best deals, but can also arrange for car finance from our trusted partner, United Financial Services.

Searching for a car on our site is easy. On our website, you can either perform a quick search or sort the results by price, make, year of manufacture, body and transmission. Whether you are looking for a used car under 5000 dollars or a used car under 10000 dollars, we can help you find one.

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