Peters Auto and Tyres

Is your car performing well? If so, you can bring it to Peters Auto And Tyre Service. Our car mechanics Sunshine at Peters Auto And Tyre has the expertise to detect any underlying issues and provide accurate solutions that you expect. We offer a wide range of car repairs sunshine including brake and clutch repair, or an engine problem, wheel alignment, logbook servicing, roadworthy certificate, and more. We ensure to give the best car service and car repairs to make your car run like never before. From providing a complete diagnosis to tyre replacements, air-conditioning repairs, our mechanic performs each repair with meticulous attention and provide high-level care that your vehicle deserves. We also cater to all the needs regarding the tyres of your vehicle quickly. We stock a wide variety of tyres from various brands for all makes and models of cars and 4WD vehicles. So, if you are looking for a new pair of tyres, you can count on us Peters Auto And Tyre Service. If you’re looking for a reliable car service sunshine in Sunshine West, call 0423629088.

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