Benn Francis - Artist

52 mona vale loop, Ellenbrook, WA 6069


Benn Francis is a West Australian artist who grew up in Geraldton. Although he lives in Perth now, he has a deep desire to live in the bush and connect with nature. He is a great believer in the power of energy, and that being in tune with energy can bring great revelation and connectedness, as well as times of darkness and despair. However he experiences the energy around him, he knows it’s all a learning experience and takes what he can from each experience so he can grow.

Through reiki, meditation, crystals and other healing modalities, he's learnt how to harness, embrace, and manipulate energy, and turn it into art. He uses art to bring unseen energy into a tangible format people can see and learn from.


 He always knew he wanted to pursue art somehow, but his traditional painting skills were limited — even so, using paper and other materials happened accidentally. His partner had a lot of unused scrapbook paper in the spare room, and he saw this as an opportunity for exploration. He started using these materials in unconventional ways to make scenery and bring the energy around him to life.

Through months of trial and error, he uncovered new ways to create beautiful pieces that he felt captured — and conveyed — energy, emotion, and love. Although there were times he felt frustrated, or felt like giving up, the energy always drew him back in. So, he pursued it, and here we are.

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