My Architect

Bayside, Waverly Street, Sandringham, VIC 3191
0427 236 252
1300 321 119

My Architect makes it easy for Australian homeowners to access professional architectural services. This unique, pay-as-you-go system means professional design expertise can be applied to your home improvement or new build project, regardless of its size, complexity or budget. My Architect lets you use the skills and services of an architect as much or as little as you want.

My Architect was created by Sydney architect, Robert Harwood. Returning home following a period of practicing overseas, he realized just how much Australian homeowners value good home design. He recognized, however, that many Australians are missing out on the advantages of using an architect.

Robert believed that this was due mainly to the complexity of architects’ traditional service structure and pricing. My Architect was developed to address this uncertainty and to make architectural services and professional home design more accessible to Australian homeowners.

To find out more about the benefits My Architect can bring to your project, go to Let's Get Started.

To book a consultation or for further details, call Cate on  1300 321 119