Red Jacket Aqua Fun Park | Sunshine Coast

Ocrea Drive, Packfic Paradise, Sunshine Coast, Queensland,
0423 110 000
Red Jacket Aqua Fun Park

The Red Jacket Aqua Fun Park @ Novotel Twin Waters, Sunshine Coast is back up and running after winter with sooo many more reasons for young and old to come say HEY!!.       It’s getting hot and we know that this week is time to challenge your mates to have a go down the largest giant inflatable waterslide,  ARE YOU GAME??
but no worry, if you just wanna come have some fun on all the inflatable obstacles such as sliders, walkways, smaller inflatable waterslides, climbers and blast bags,  come to the Novotel Twin Waters and follow the signs,  it’s so easy.

open 7 Days a week

Sessions Start at

See You There,
Red Jacket Team!

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