Langtrees Guest Hotel

181 Hay Street, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430
(08) 9026 2181
(08) 9021 2188

In the heart of Kalgoorlie, Langtrees Guest Hotel offers Corporate & Leisure Luxury Accommodation. With 10 themed rooms, 6 standard rooms and 2 apartments, you can be guaranteed your stay will be a new experience every time.
Featuring a historical Gallery to perk the interest of any visitor to Kalgoorlie, with a history as rich as it's Gold Fields.
Play the Piano? Langtrees Guest Hotel has an original 1840's Piano that made it's way from Fremantle to Leonora via Camel's back and is there for the use of Hotel Guests.
Say Hi to Clarence in the 69er's Miner's Bar, Dine in comfort in Harry's restaurant or pamper your self with a booking for High Tea served twice daily at 11am and 1pm.
Langtrees Guest Hotel staff are dedicated to making your stay, comfortable and stress free
Also available for corporate functions. Boardroom Available.

Front reception is open 7 days per week from 8:00am until 10:30 pm.

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