6 Dandaragan Rd, Dandaragan WA 6507, Australind, WA 6507
61 8 9651 4223

The Redgum Village Dandaragan public accommodation in Dandaragan, 2 hours north of Perth, here accommodation is a great place to relax and chill out at the end of the day, because we have our fully equipped functions and board room/meeting room available for hire or free use to large groups booked in for accommodation.RedGum Village offers accommodation and homemade food to visitors on the way to these places. The place not only offers single and double bedrooms with all the modern amenities, but also offers backpackers and non en-suite rooms to make the stay affordable. The working crew finds their twin sharing rooms and bar-be-que facilities highly appealing. Their motel style rooms offer all the comforts that a worker can seek after a tiring day. They offer ample parking and entertainment facilities for the guests.

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