
NY, 100-12
123-123-123 x1234
snyde redn

A whose initial weight exceeds the desired 20 - 30 kg. If the figure of 30 kg - to attack the fatty tissues have 5-10 days. At this stage there is a loss. megadrox on the average 6.2 kg. A distinctive feature of this phase is that the patients are offered food, as much as possible rich in protein - eggs, low fat dairy .megadrox products, meat, fish. That is why this step has the additional name - "protein phase". Much attention is given daily amounts of water - should drink .megadrox at least 1.5 liters. Image 069 Description of rules and stage menu Attack At this point in the menu allowed such meats like chicken and turkey,megadrox these products be sure to remove the skin. Prohibited boiled beef, pork, veal, duck, rabbit, goose and lamb. Diet for weight gain. 

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