A great event," says Don Angel Fernandez Artime,

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"A great event," says Don Angel Fernandez Artime, X successor of Don Bosco, "the most authentic of how young people are very grateful to God for having given to Don Bosco as Father and Teacher of Youth rally. A universal expression of how Don Bosco continues to touch the hearts of young people. "

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In the original spirit of Don Bosco, a supporter of the good press and the right information, through accurate disclosure, everyone will have a way to follow the acts, which may not also be present directly. Indeed, in many parts of the world will be well live events, live following the program of Turin. The site, l'App for smartphone and all major social network, are even now animated with enthusiasm and spirit of participation and being an instrument of contact for the exchange of emotions, contacts and friends, and telling the world today of a more alive than nunca.grama charisma that will begin the morning of Tuesday, August 11, at Pala Ruffini, with the greeting of ls authorities: the Rector Major Don A. F. Artime, Sister Yvonne Reungoat,


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