Energy Booster Product

new york, new york, 10012

Even after adjusting for other factors linked to heart disease, diet-soda drinkers remained at 48% greater risk” (Hard). Annotation: This article was made by the Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter which is a very popular place and well known by their studies of health, nutrition and other things related with people. The article was available and accessible in the HCC databases and was recently written on the year 2011. I choose this article because it is very rich in information about the topic I’m researching which is soft drinks Athletic Greens and their bad effects that it causes on humans. “Hard News About Soft Drinks”, talks about the risks of consuming soft drinks, especially those diet sodas that we think they are better for us but they end up having worse effects on our bodies and health. In this research paper I wanted to cover soft drinks in general but this article help me to go deeper in a more specific topic inside of the soft drinks topic, which is diet sodas


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