eresource infotech pvt ltd

mumbai, india, 400060

Logistic companies that want to tie all of their business functions under a single umbrella need to stop here and read further. eresource ERP's Logistic vertical is known for their ability to collect, organize, and store critical data for individual companies. Eresource ERPs exclusive Logistic vertical which has been named as eresource 3GL ERP can be used across numerous departments, including financial, human resources, customer relations, manufacturing, warehouse, and distribution.

Eresource 3GL ERP provides powerful forecasting functionalities supporting your long-range planning and helping you to optimize your logistic and warehouse management. With eresource 3GL ERP you are able to schedule purchases and turnover based on articles and intervals. Using serial and batch numbers, you can always track article movements. With eresource 3GL ERP you can have direct access to information on where articles have been used and where they currently are.

When it comes to ERP for Logistic companies, there is no place for a second thought other than eresource 3GL ERP, especially in the SMB sector. The prime objective of eresource is to provide each industry with its own ERP system that will suit very much with their requirements. In the earlier methods, companies have followed the practice of getting a standard ERP package from the ERP markets, and then using various bolt-on supply chain components to make up where the ERP falls short. However, these companies have realized that these practices were yielding no result, and suitably customized ERP system like eresource is the only solution to overcome all these short falls.

Eresource 3GL ERP gives big advantage to the logistic companies with more effective and efficient supply chain management module. The system is more competitive in the supply chain space than any other ERP system in the market. It is also true that while the large ERP vendors like Oracle and SAP have already embedded a broader array of supply chain tools into their offerings, the best-of-breed options from ERP systems like eresource are generally more sophisticated and able to handle more complex supply chain tasks.

3GL ERP offers new-and-improved package for logistic industry. We have developed system that is economically viable with a more user-friendly interface. Today no one wants to go through long procedures to get the information that they need. We are aware of this and developed more focused application that create a better user experience.

Our ever increasing customer list proves that our system supports their requirements and we are happy to provide whatever our customers are looking for. We would like to the trend to continue. .

eresource 3GL ERP supports the logistic industry with:

    Optimized inventory management by improved transparency through an intelligent article tracking
    Logistic process and stock improvements through a direct coordination of customer needs and article availability
    Better material requirements planning by flexible options for managing assortments

For further details and discussion let us have a one to one meeting with a live demonstration of the product. Call us today so that a meeting can fixed according to your convenient.

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