Paul's Plumbing Group

13 Julian Ct, Augustine Heights, 4300
0406 071 659
Paul Jennings

Based in Brisbane Pauls Plumbing is available to help Brisbane residents businesses and real estate with all their plumbing requirements.
What makes Paul’s Plumbing stand out from the rest, is our determination to provide 100% customer satisfaction with the highest quality of workmanship and making sure that deadlines are always met.

Whilst we here at Paul’s Plumbing is usually rather busy, we always welcome phone calls from anyone with plumbing needs. When you call us you will be speaking to an experienced and highly trained team member who can help you with any questions you might have. To help us insure we are able to provide you with knowledgeable advice and to schedule a time to meet with you to evaluate your plumbing requirements, and provide you with a quote for the work that you wish us to undertake – or we can simply arrive as scheduled and undertake the work immediately for you on blocked drain hot water system and leaking toilets

We have a team of staff who are able to take your call during business hours and technicians on call 24 hours a day. If you call us, we will pick up!

Pauls Plumbing specialise in commercial and domestic maintenance plumbing but are experienced in all aspects of plumbing from small to large jobs, from dripping taps to new residential or commercial builds.

Please call us and allow us to fulfil your plumbing needs efficiently, thoroughly and with the highest standards of workmanship and service.

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