exercises to lose weight fast at home
here I did there is strengthens and it takes a lot of courage it does I really feeling ashamed that I don't want other people just feel the same way about me that I feel about myself sheet don't want to other people to be hard one too I'm already being hard enough for months loll don't you need people to judge me for a mistake but they've me then okay you but head goodness I love you and your let methinks your YouTube images time team up I hope she knows she can talk to me about anything she can be vulnerable with me and I’m not going to hurt her I'm here to help her heal said but the coach Parker me knows that she’s not ready to share that with me yet and it's really important that I respect that and I shouldn't push would you talk to my wife Heidi because she’s dealt with eating disorders she's been through that battle and she's come out on the other and she's found balance would you do that for me get okay thank you she's in the lodge now she’s with us for the next couple days and she would love to hear from you I don't know what you’re dealing with right now whether it's anorexia or bulimia or maybe it's just it's some kind of compulsive.