Muscle Building

I love about giving is that giving put us in a position to receive giving put us in a position to receive giving put us in a position to receive you just missed it I said participate which means when I move New Moon just like the cock let's try to get giving OMW a friend by due to give handout handout put us in a position to what the morn you them or put you in opposition to what but the more you hoe bag attack that thesis me in my I got to tell me down are you in a position to get anything back absolutely not here's the truth: the world outside the church understand the principle giving so that’s what business people can give and a huge returns without even being in the church and loving God and they get the result while we're in charge but Ken Schoutennot giving come somebody and we're struggling can to tell the truth to me so yeah it after you go to the next level they all love you I funny to participate in a brother not ready to embrace the fact that the principle that I'm getting ready share with you or for you it's not just . 

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