Freightmore Transport

Address: 21 Hales Dr, Lonsdale SA 5160, Australia, Address: 21 Hales Dr, Lonsdale SA 5160, Australia, Lonsdale, 5160
+61 1300 159 316

Freightmore Transport is an Australian born, family owned and operated semi-trailer manufacturer based in the factory district of Lonsdale, SA. Our semi trailers are prepared fully operational for delivery, with compliance plates fitted, ready for registration and ready to put straight to work. Check out our range which includes: Drop decks, FlatBeds trailer for sale , extendables, low loaders, grain tipper, quad wideners, side tippers, quad float for sale, water tankers,quad float for sale, grain tippers, end tippers, Tilt N Slides, and now Tag Trailers!

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