
how do we know about these guys well according to hike this most top secretive secret societies uses special codes to communicateusing.net own sacred images of the pyramid in on the dollar bill you have an ancient illumine RT simple which elite test 360  symbolizes perfectly what I’m talking about it's the pyramid 'me structure and at the top you got the all-seeing RI the capstone of the pyramid the illuminated 1c laminate into knowledge they keep from the rest of the population not quite why the most secretive being on the planet use the least secretive place to communicate no one seems to know such details haven't stopped debuttonight selling thousands have books although there has been criticism always use of the word you mean RT the same term was used in the past by right-wing extremists to describe worldwide conspiracy run by Marxists Free Masons and Jews and some have claimed that he is just tapping into old extreme paranoia is so who are the alien the human hybrids and how would we spot warm if we saw it well apparently they include George bush Tony Blair I'm even the Queen of England and we thought she was just %umapparently they all descendants of the original alien hybrids what you have in effect is the luminosity families being there genetic representatives the on this planet all these serpent gods serpents yes the aliens who came down to earth long long ago didn't look

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