Active Brightening Face Serum body to absorb them. You never want to scrub the top layer of skin off your face when exfoliating, so be sure that you always apply a gentle touch. Some people will scrub and scrub until their skin is raw. This is not helping anything. In fact, oil just collects in the micro crevices of broken skin, and you'll be worse off than when you started. In order to achieve glowing, youthful looking skin, it is important that you learn to exfoliate properly. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and keeps your skin in tip-top shape. One of the reasons that men's skin sometimes looks more youthful than women's, is that men naturally exfoliate every time they shave. Start exfoliating, and you will notice a dramatic difference in your skin's appearance. These are just some of the ways that you can follow to get that beautiful looking skin. The key is to be consistent in your daily regimen. Find out which ways work best for you, and stick to them. Remember to be patient. If you stick to your regimen faithfully, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful in no time. What You Need To Know About Skin Care At Any Age How do famous actresses stay looking so gorgeous as they age? They take especially good care of their skin, which is something YOU can replicate from your own home! Here are some time-tested ideas we've gathered to help you with your skin care regimen so you can age gracefully too. In order to maintain healthy skin, be sure to use lotion after showering when needed. This will ensure that you have moist, healthy skin. 

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