
Speaking of Wizard of OZ, yesterday i was talking to my wife about him and how he push people to believe in woo-woo. As i talk about his cell-phone cancer  fear mongering we realize that it was him on TV: so the subject of yesterday show ( i don't know if it was a live one or a old show ) was about 7 energy type for healing and what-not. I did not really pay attention Balanced Garcinia during the 1 min it was at that channel ( i can't tolerated him for long ) But there was a women showing how to do move with you fingers, peace and love sign, and how it was good for the heart. So the Wizard say, «Peace sign, you know, there people right that cannot see right now how making peace sign with your finger can be good for you heart» something like this, and she replies « Keep him mind that more and more hospital used touch healing and energy base healing now

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