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Here is a draft 181 word SEO blog post:

Title: 5 Tips for Beginner-Friendly SEO  
SEO can be overwhelming for new website owners. There are many things to optimize and track. But here are 5 simple tips to get you started on the right foot with SEO for beginners.

Use simple, relevant keywords. Resist the urge to stuff tons of keywords. Focus your SEO efforts around a few words and phrases that best match your content and business goals. Start with your brand name and primary product or service types.   

Write for humans, not search engines. Create useful, helpful content that your target audience wants to read. Answer questions people search for. Use clear, straightforward language without excessive jargon.  

Optimize page titles and URLs. Use your target keywords in page titles and URLs. But keep titles concise, under 65 characters. And  use hyphens in URLs instead of spaces. 

Create an XML sitemap. Provide a sitemap to search engines so they can discover and index all your website pages. You can make a basic sitemap manually or use a generator tool.

Ask for backlinks naturally. Engage with relevant industry sites, blogs and social media  to build links over time, not through unnatural link buying schemes. Focus on creating high-quality content worth sharing.
With these fundamental basics in place, you'll lay the groundwork for SEO success as your website grows. But always remember: create helpful content that adds value for your readers first - the rest will follow.

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