Civil Protective Order in NJ


A Civil Protective Order (CPO) in New Jersey, often referred to as a restraining order, is a legal order issued by a court to protect an individual from domestic violence, harassment, or other forms of abuse. It is designed to provide legal protection to victims and prevent further harm. In New Jersey, there are different types of protective orders, including Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs) and Final Restraining Orders (FROs).

Here are some key points about Civil Protective Orders in New Jersey:

  1. Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs):

    • A TRO is usually the first step in obtaining protection from an abusive individual.
    • To get a TRO, you typically must go to the courthouse and file a complaint detailing the incidents of abuse.
    • A judge may issue a TRO if they believe there is an immediate threat to your safety or well-being.
    • TROs are often issued without the alleged abuser being present in court.
    • A TRO can include provisions such as no contact, no communication, and staying away from your residence or workplace.
  2. Final Restraining Orders (FROs):

    • After a TRO is issued, a court hearing will be scheduled, usually within ten days, to determine whether a Final Restraining Order should be granted.
    • At the hearing, both parties can present evidence and witnesses.
    • If the judge determines that a Final Restraining Order is necessary to protect the victim, it will be issued.
    • FROs are more long-term and can last indefinitely, often with provisions like no contact, no weapons possession, and surrendering firearms.
  3. Enforcement:

    • Violating a TRO or FRO is a serious offense in New Jersey and can result in criminal charges.
    • Law enforcement agencies are typically responsible for enforcing these orders, and they have access to the details of the orders.
  4. Extension and Modification:

    • FROs can be extended or modified if circumstances change, and the victim still requires protection.
  5. Access to Legal Assistance:

    • It is advisable to consult an attorney or seek legal assistance when dealing with Civil Protective Orders, as the legal process can be complex, and it is essential to protect your rights.
  6. Confidentiality:

    • In New Jersey, the court proceedings related to protective orders are typically confidential to protect the privacy and safety of the victims.

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