
fdfff, ffsf, fsffff
vbh yfdr

reach your arms out and up touch your palms above your head and on your exhale slowly gently dive forward exhale all the air out of your lungs on your inhale half-lift fingertips on the ground top of your head forward and then on your exhale fold this time plant your palms shoulder widths distance other and then try to act like you're pushing your chest forward this is a really nice energizing morning super cut keto  pose at the same time press your pelvis into the ground to keep your lower back long one more inhale like that and then exhale release bring your chin to the mat tuck your toes and you have an option here to raise your torso into modified plank with your knees down or you can take the more advanced option which would be lifting up your kneecaps and raising all the way back up into plank pose take one inhale here and on your exhale lift your hips up and back downward facing dog so downward facing dog is kind of like an active relaxation this is an inverted V shape from here you're gonna make sure your head



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