
Nyabing, WA 10012
rovm verm

we rather forget. And acne is one Perlelux of them. It can be an embarrassing phase which affects not only our skin but also affect our self confidence. Acne is a common non-contagious skin condition relating to blocked skin pores that results in skin lesions. It affects most of us at sometime during our lifetime, more commonly during our teenage years. It can be grouped broadly into two main categories: 1) Non-inflammatory acne: Here acne lesions appear as whiteheads (closed comedones) or blackheads (open comedones). When bacteria and sebum are trapped in the pores below the skins surface, they appear as white spots and are known as 'whiteheads'. When the pore opens up to the surface of the skin and the contents gets oxidized and turns black, the lesions are then known as 'blackheads'. 2) Inflammatory acne: Here the acne lesions are inflamed and may appear as papules, pustules, cysts, nodules. With nodules being the most severe. Incidence: o Majority of acne cases occur between 10-17 years in females, and 14-19 years in males. o But late onset acne can sometimes occur in persons 25 years old or older. Some women develop acne in their 30 & 40's often with pre-menstrual exacerbations. o The incidence of acne is actually lower in Asians and blacks, and even rarer in China. o It can occur on the

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