
4441 Parkview Drive Irvine, CA 92614, New York, 10012
714-240-9007 x1
Valeria Bass

The majority of the women in this study were overweight or obese and wearing an incorrect sized bra. Pain was significantly related to breast size, body weight and BMI at mid thoracic levels (T7-8). In contrast self-reported thoracic pain was not correlated with age or index of hypnosis (thoracic hypnosis). Women with thoracic pain were no more likely to have their bra professionally fitted whereas women with a higher BMI and larger breasts were more likely to have their bra professionally fitted.

The findings of this study show that larger breasts and increased  Miracle Bust BMI are associated with thoracic pain in postmenopausal women. This is unrelated to thoracic hypnosis. Increasing breast size and how a bra is worn may have biomechanical implications for the loaded thoracic spine and surrounding musculature. Post-menopause women present with a spectrum of Miracle Bust Reviews  anthropometrical changes that have the potential to contribute to altered biomechanics and affect pain states in the thoracic spine.

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