Kou Tea

down town karcahi NY, Nyah West, VIC 10012
stave mache

Kou Tea Carvacrol, one of its organic resources, dissolves fat to avoid its build up in the liver organ, the the lymphatic program and other parts of one's body program.


9. Decreases constipation

For its participation of organic fibers and essential natural oils, this liven puts a slight laxative impact that can benefit patients with bowel problems.


Intake of your infusion or essential natural oils enhances the motility of the bowel, defends the microbial flora and encourages the removal of waste.


10. Cure epidermis infections

For its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory substances, oregano provides exciting advantages in the therapy of epidermis condition.


Its exterior application, either in compresses or by massages with its oil, reduces allergic reactions, relieves itching and stops oxidative cell damage.


As you can see, this delightful liven not only enhances the flavour of the recipes but also provides many qualities for our well-being.


However, it should be clarified that their intake should be in little quantities, since the excesses can alter the neurological program by the stimulants of their natural oils.


Learn about the advantages of red tea

Red tea is loaded with flavonoids, which enhance center wellness, and calcium nutrient, making it a very healthier substitute for those intolerant to milk

Tea is popular, even becoming the favourite of many individuals around the entire globe.


The perfect and most expected is that tea is the favourite eat of all individuals, people of all ages, because being a organic product is much healthier than sodas.



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