
new york, Nyarrin, VIC 10012
sog hrag995

favorites many of you many of you comment on my eyelashes in life people are asking me did you get lashes extensions or are you wearing false eyelashes even low he asked me do you have false eyelashes on and i said no this is my Island and these are my eyelashes so I wanted to tell you that I am whole enjoying revitalash I use it for my brow now my brows are they're coming in much slower and not as well as my lashes but my lashes hands down the best last year room I have ever used the only one I didn't use it I haven't used the prescribed latisse because I didn't want to this side effects especially the darkness around the eye since i already have so much darkness but the revitalash works better than anything I have ever used so I know it's a big chunk of money but if you you are someone that is really you're losing your lashes with age or they just always you know kind of giving you a hard time i would first of all see if there's a sample to be had anywhere nordstrom sells it so if you're ever in a nordstrom you can go in if your professional hair stores do sell them I don't know which ones across the United States I know in N juvexil ew York goldwell sells it so you know you might want to just take a looksie and I travel for it I don't care i travel is that it's a full day for me to go and get this stuff but anyway it is just fabulous i highly recommend it this is my second well I haven't opened it yet so I'm on my I'm still juvexil Reviews  on my first one which has been about oh I don't know six months but the brow serum is just about gone the last I still have a little bit so it's supposed to be a six-month supply and that is true to form i only use it at night I've 


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