New York, New York, 10012
032-175-5225 x3
Plus Bachi

Designing an effective XCell 180 routine is serious business. So, don't rebuild your whole routine more than three or four times a year. When building muscle, many people make the mistake of over training. When you go to the gym, exercise as hard as possible and take short breaks. Do not do your workouts for more than 60 minutes for best results. Go in, workout, and get out to give your muscles time to recover. When attempting to build muscle, you must eat well. When your muscle fibers are being rebuilt, the body will require the right fuel that certain nutrients. Protein shakes, for instance, make a particularly useful post-workout drink. Research shows that this can speed up the rate at which muscle fibers rebuild themselves. Always try to mix up your workouts when trying to build muscle mass. Every few weeks completely change your routine and throw your body off course. Your body will grow much faster when you change the routine and catch it off guard. This will keep your workouts interesting, and also build muscle. To gain that lean muscle mass, be sure to use free weights. These have been proven to work better than cables and machines for building lean muscle. Free weights allow you to use many different muscles as you lift. This way, you will be stimulating added muscle growth by working the extra muscles. Consuming protein right after a workout is extremely important. Your muscles are in desperate need of protein right after a hard lifting session. Immediately consume a shake no longer than an hour after you finish your workout. This shake should have at least twenty to thirty grams of whey protein and around ten to twenty grams of casein protein. Both whey and casein protein are important for maximum muscle growth. Try consuming most of your calories early during the day. Doing this will increase your metabolism throughout the day. In addition, it helps you make sure that excess calories aren't being stored as fat. Gradually decrease the amount of calories you consume later during the day when you aren't using as much energy.

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