Danube Delta Investment

61 Scarborough St, Southport Park, QLD 4215

Our company owns an investment in a state of conservation in the Danube Delta -  Romania,  on an area of 736 hectares(1819 acres), land leased for a period of 45 years ( 2007-2052 ) valued at 7.36 million EUR, business that we sell only at half price, at 3.5 million EUR, about 5.000 EUR/hectarea.

This is an  exceptional price compared to other similar offerings that range between 30,000 euros and 200,000 euros / hectare.

If our offer is not right for you we would appreciate if you would recommend a potential customer to  buy our bussiness and develop activities listed below  or make real estate speculation, and we would be honored to offer you a commission of 10% of the value of the transaction.

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