
wq4yg43, New Brighton, NSW 10001

Qatar warned other countries to stop isolating the Taliban and began to help solve the socio-economic problems in Afghanistan.
Al Jazeera’s foreign minister warned on Thursday that if countries around the world continue to isolate the Taliban, it could lead to continued instability.
Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdullahman Al Thani said: "If we start to provide conditions and stop this relationship, we will leave a gap. The question is, who will fill this gap?" .

Qatar warns countries around the world: Stop isolating the Taliban-chinemov Qatar warns other countries to stop isolating the Taliban and begins to help solve the socio-economic problems in Afghanistan. Al Jazeera’s foreign minister warned on Thursday that if countries around the world continue to isolate the Taliban, it could lead to continued instability. Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdullahman Al Thani said: "If we start to provide conditions and stop this relationship, we will leave a gap. The question is, who will fill this gap?" . Sheikh Mohammed (Sheikh Mohammed) in Doha on Tuesday with the German Foreign Minister Heiko Ma... ???

Sheikh Mohammed made the comments with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in Doha on Tuesday.
Since becoming the main headquarters of the Taliban in 2013, Qatar has been one of the main interlocutors of the Taliban.

After the Taliban occupied Kabul on August 15, no country recognized the Taliban as the Afghan government.
Many Western countries urge the Taliban to form an inclusive government that respects human rights.
"We believe that without participation, we cannot achieve... to make real progress in the security field or the socio-economic field," Sheikh Mohammed explained.
Sheikh Mohamed also added that it is not a priority to recognize the Taliban as the current government of Afghanistan.
Sheikh Mohamed said: "Our duty is to always urge them (Taliban) to form a government that includes all parties and does not exclude any party."
"In our talks with the Taliban, there was no positive or negative response," Sheikh Mohamad said, referring to the recent talks between Qatar and the new Afghan ruler.
The Taliban celebrated the withdrawal of US troops on Tuesday (August 31, 2021). According to reports, when the last American plane took off from Kabul, fighter jets fired rifles into the air.
One day after the last American plane left Kabul, the Taliban took control of Hamid Karzai International Airport.
The Qatar Airways technical team landed on Wednesday (January 9, 2021). They will help Afghan Airlines and the airport return to service.
An official in Qatar, who asked not to be named, explained that the team was sent to Kabul at the request of the Taliban.

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