CMA | US CMA | US CMA Course | Certified Management Accountant

Certified Management Accountant (CMA) is the highest level of certification in management accounting awarded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), USA. The US CMA Course is globally recognized, advanced-level credential appropriate for accountants and financial professionals in the business.

CMA acronym stands for ‘Certified Management Accountant’. CMA is one of the highest management accounting credentials in the world administered by the IMA (Institute for Management Accountants). Spanned over just 2 exams, CMA’s curriculum uses some of the most advanced testing techniques to test management accounting aspirants all over the world if they’re worthy of the designation CPA. Lakhs of aspirants take US CMA exams every year to grow themselves into Management Accountants, 

Finance analysts and may other roles.
US CMA Designation offers great value, it gives you
Career Avenues
International Recognition
Global Qualification
In-depth knowledge about Management Accounting, Finance, Business Economics and Management concepts required for a business professional
Elite Network of CPAs
Elite Network of CMAs

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