Ayush Kids Preschool

Tecoma, Tecoma, VIC 50182

It takes a big heart to shape little minds. Here is Ayush Kids Preschool one of the Best Preschools in Hyderabad shapes your kid with various activities. Ayush Kids is a growing preschool meeting the global preschool pedagogy in India milieu. We aim to provide the finest and best possible preschool education to children in 2-6 years age group by exceptionally qualified teachers for preschool who are sympathetic and receptive to the basic needs of each child.

‘Today’s child is tomorrow’s future’, this saying reflects the importance of correct upbringing. The more inclusive the upbringing, the brighter will be the future of the kid. Certain factors play a decisive role in shaping the future of the kids, like teachers, the environment at school & home, parents and peers amongst others. Empathetic bonding and communication are a must between the teachers/school and parents. A friendly atmosphere, both at school and home brings the best out of a child. In order to improve the communication gap and differences, if any, we recommend PTM (Parents and Teachers Meet) once in a month.

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