A One Australia Eduaction Group

Level 1, 118 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC, 3000, Melbourne, VIC 3000

We offer the best PTE & NAATI coaching in Australia having a coaching centre in Melbourne CBD. Our specialization is in NAATI CCL coaching, IELTS coaching and PTE Coaching. We have also introduced online coaching classes for PTE, IELTS and NAATI in these COVID19 times. Our institute has the best faculties with the maximum scores and accredited teachers (a score of a PERFECT 90 in PTE, an overall score of 8.5 and 8 Bands EACH in IELTS, and NAATI accredited teachers). Our students are provided with the most accurate and precise predicted question files, which helps them get the desired score.


Study with the best teachers under Malcolm and achieve 25 visa points for your PR! 

More than 10000+ success stories in PTE & NAATI & IELTS | We strive to make you thrive.

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