Best Health Screen

CA, Bundoora, VIC 94016
(445) 224-7656
Best Health Screen

Sebastian redefines what an awesome trainer is. He is insanely knowledgeable, keeps up to date on research so you know he's looking out for your long-term health, designs workouts from best practices in CrossFit, dance, body building, and infuses each workout with his quirky humor and attentive TLC. He also does every move he coaches. I never thought I'd be a workout bunny but I've been going weekly for the last 3 years. This from a woman who hadn't picked up a barbell before. And that's exactly it - everything is outside in the fresh air, beautiful San Francisco scenery, with small group of great people... I feel alive after each session, and super sore the next day. And I like how my body and mind have changed as a result. Truly above and beyond the bootcamp trendies you'll see out there. Highly recommend Sebastian.

5 out of 5 from 1 reviews

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