Hip To Toe

138 Olsen Avenue,Arundel, Gold Coast, Qld 4214, Arundel Bc, QLD 4214
(07) 5571 7329

  1. Redness and heat around your toenail.
  2. Swelling of your toe around the nail.
  3. Possible liquid or pus discharge from toes at the affected area.

If you have an infected ingrown toenail a GP can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. Your podiatrist can then perform ingrown toenail treatment or ingrown toenail surgery as needed.

Conservative podiatry treatment can be carried out by your podiatrist. However, if the problem persists, a simple podiatry nail surgery performed under local anaesthetic can remove the offending section of nail and stop your ingrown toenail coming back.  The Gold Coast Podiatrists at Hip To Toe are qualified to perform these nail surgery proedures for you.?

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