Oberaifo David Udoh

+234 9060000592
+234 9088453797

Oberaifo David Udoh is a multifaceted entrepreneur and a globally recognized Business Development Service Provider (BDSP). As the Group Managing Director of VINES REALTY, a rapidly expanding real estate company in Lagos, Nigeria, he showcases his remarkable leadership skills.He is a multifaceted entrepreneur and BDSP, is the Group Managing Director of VINES REALTY in Lagos, Nigeria. With expertise in Business Strategy, B2B Specialization, SME & Start-up Strategy Implementation, Digital Transformation, Business Data Analysis, and Wealth Management Advisory, David has established business partnerships and experiences across Saudi Arabia, the USA, Europe, Canada, and various African countries.  
Call:+234 9060000592/+234 9088453797/
Whatsapp: +234 9060000592
Zoom: Zoom ID: 802 239 6843/Passcode: 123456

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