Murtaza MK

New York New York, NY, 10012
Joye Ferri

Work in the exhibition shows the trial and the execution of the hunter and his dogs and forms sluitstuk of a trilogy on the hunt, after Nature Mortem from 2007 and the End of a Gloomy Day 2009. The left half of the canvas, the hunter brought before a tribunal, with the fox as executioner. In the right panel, the hunter  Brain Peak  knows his gruesome end while other animals are dogs and lynch the buck dances like a satyr. In this canvas, the painter puts animals in the role of man and nature gets assigned a ruthless role. The trial and executions of humans by animals belong to the age-old theme of the "inverted world" that has a rich visual tradition especially in printmaking. The essence of the "inverted world" is that all traditional... 

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