Shotcount Wallpaper Hangers

3056 M St NW, Washington, 20007
Ben Alexander

One of my first jobs ever was for an elderly woman who wanted a very old wallpaper removed from her wall, cleaned, restored and put back on the wall. The lady was clearly emotionally attached to her wallpaper and she did not want to replace it. I knew the restoration work was not going to be easy, the end result was not going to be perfect. I did the job anyway (though against my will). I was not the best looking job I ever done. But it was the greatest job I ever achieved. To see the smile and the sparkles on the lady’s eyes with all the memories her old wallpaper held. The wallpaper stood for a great life. Epic, memorable and a reminder of why we all ultimately do what we do...

Key Words Services:
Wallpapering, Wallpaper Install Service, Common Issues & Fixes, Commercial Portfolio, Mural Installation, Vinyl Installation Services, Professional Vinyl Installation Services, Wallpaper and Vinyl Removal`

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