Steps to fix 1603 fatal error 18002201041 in Windows during Installation for Help

As per as study conducted by a professional Windows technical support team members, user will come across a prominent where it will show that they are trying to install a Microsoft Windows Installer package, and is receiving the following error message shown 1603 fatal error in Windows “Fatal Error during Installation”. Steps to Fix 1603 fatal error in Windows contact Customer Support at 18002201041. If a user has clicked OK button in the message box, the installation will roll back.           

Causes of 1603 fatal error in Windows Installer


A user may come across any one of the following message below:  

·         Windows Installer is trying to install an app which is already installed on the PC is also a big reason as studied by a team of Windows tech support professionals.

·         The folder which they are trying to install the Windows Installer package is fully encrypted.

·         The drive which contains the folder which a user is trying to install the Windows Installer package is accessed as a substitute drive.

·         The system account runs out of Full Control permissions on the folder when they are trying to install the Windows Installer package to.

Troubleshoot 1603 fatal error in Windows

·         Perform a thorough check whether an app is already installed on the PC or not? If so, immediately uninstall and then reinstall the app. 

·         On the Start menu, simply select the “Settings” button.

·         Next, in the “Settings” option, just select the “System > Apps & features” features.

·         If you see that the app is listed here then chooses it and click on the “Uninstall” button.

·         Follow all the given directions that are instructed on the screen.

·         Next, a user is required to install the package to a folder which is not encrypted properly.

·         Installing of the package to a required drive which is not accessed as a substitute drive is an essential step to perform.

·         Granting Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM account is necessary for a user to perform:

1.     Open the File Explorer and then right-click on the drive on which you want to install the Windows Installer package to, and tap on the Properties.

2.     Click on the Security tab next to verify the Group or user names box which contains the SYSTEM user account

3.     Click on the ‘Edit” option and approve the User Account Control when you are prompted.

4.     Click on the “Add” option and then tap on the ‘Select Users or Groups” dialog box which will appear on the screen

5.     Next, in the Enter the object names to select field, a user is required to type the “SYSTEM” , and then tap on the “Check names” option.

6.     Click on the “OK” button at last.

7.     Click on the “Edit” option when prompted to approve the User Account Control.

·         Selection of  the SYSTEM user account to be made, to  verify in the “Permissions section whether the “Full Control is set to “Allowmode or not.

·         Close the “Permissions” dialog box and then return to the “Properties dialog box. Next, a user is required to click on the click on the “Advancedoption.

·         Select the “Change permissions” option. If a user is prompted, then he/she is required to approve the User Account Control.

·         Next, in the Permissions tab, a selection of the “SYSTEM entry is to be made and then click on the “Editbutton.

·         Click on the Applies to dropdown menu and select the “This folder, subfolder and files’ button. Simply click OK.

·         Wait for the operating system to apply all the permissions for all child folders.

·         Run the Windows Installer package at last.


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