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frizzy hair


There are few things more annoying than an itchy scalp. The human body always lets us know that something is wrong. If your scalp itches, is that so for a reason. The problem is that there are a lot of factors that can cause itchy scalp, and to remedy the situation, some detective work to be performed.

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Almost any hair product contains preservatives to prevent bacteria and fungi grow. Unfortunately, these same ingredients of a shampoo or conditioner can cause dry or itchy scalp.


Commonly used preservatives which are known to cause skin irritation include: propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, DEA, Coacamide and parabens. Excessive scratching may indicate bacteria or fungi that grow on the scalp. So if you have an itchy scalp, you must first consider if the hair care and secondly what is under your nails.


An itchy scalp can be an inflammation of the scalp. and may be caused by the following:


• Stress and Anxiety (see this as a real possibility)


• Allergy or hypersensitivity to its products, including hair extensions.


• Excessive itching may indicate bacteria or fungi in the scalp

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