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For pure drinking water, your best bet, from a practical perspective, Brainplus IQ  is to filter the water coming into your own home. Unfortunately, fluoride can be quite difficult to remove from water once added in. Reverse osmosis systems have typically been recommended to remove fluoride, but according to fluoride activist Jeff Green, many home systems may not be very efficient at this task. Commercial systems are typically much better, as they have redundancy features not found in smaller-scale residential models b. So while you can easily choose not to take fluoride supplements or opt to buy fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash, you’re stuck with whatever your community puts in the water, and it’s very difficult to filter out of your water once it’s added. Many do not have the resources or the knowledge to do so. The only real solution is to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation at the source and become a fluoride-free activist. However this does not mean showing up to your local municipal meetings and lecturing them about the dangers of fluoride. That approach rarely works.  >>>>>>>>>>>>

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