Helen Cowley Coaching

4448 Mt Lindesay Hwy, Munruben, QLD 4125
07 32970333
Helen Cowley

“Helen Cowley Coaching is all about helping you to take your business or organisation to the next level. We help you work ON YOUR BUSINESS.

We help you to be the best possible you, you can be .

Helen Cowley is a Business Coach and Consultant who mentors, coaches, train’s and facilitates business people to improve their knowledge, confidence, performance and profitability and make business life enjoyable. With 38 years’ experience in business, she has a Masters in Business (MBA); specialisation Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurial and Venture Development; Diploma’s in Business Management, Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring as well as Certificate’s in Trainer and Assessor, Retail, Life and Business coaching and many other small courses.

Helen says: It starts with you and simply put being aware of yourself and the world around you. Understanding people around you, what they want and dream of!

By helping them to be the best possible people they can be and making sure you facilitate that environment for them, then you often find they gain and grow themselves and gain teams trust, team commitment, they improve their confidence, creativity, skills and abilities.

This then leads to your organisations being the best possible business it can be and reaping reward – being the best deliver of customer service you can be or can provide, and gaining the best from your stakeholders and suppliers!

Leadership is about self first – knowing who you are and how you operate – being the best possible person you can be!

Leadership is not about being great but about enabling others to be great!” Helen Cowley favourite saying

Leadership is a gift if you use a coaching culture your whole business could be transformed into success!

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