health fitness

Draw a plan on the sheet of paper from the right hand (R), which plays the melody, and left hand (L) plays the bass. Label each finger 1 to 5, starting with the thumb. Flex each finger while you say its number.NOX FACTOR  Use the right hand to play secrets of right of Middle C. Use the left hand to play keys left of it.Put R1 on Middle C. Put R2 through R5 on the 4 white keys beside, DEFG. Put L5 on any C key below Middle C. Put L1 through L4 about the 4 white keys beside, DEFG. Play each note by the finger number. Make reference to the hyperlink in the Resource Section to have an easy melody to play with the right hand. Draw five horizontal lines, a treble staff, on a piece of paper. Label each line, bottom to top, EGBDF (Every Good Boy Does Fine). Label each space, bottom to top, FACE. Locate the area below E. Label it D. Draw a short line below D. Label it C or Middle C. Each line and space represents a white key. Play keys C to F by moving the best hand up and down the piano.


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