
1/25 Narabang Way, Belrose, NSW 2085, Belrose, NSW 2085

4pumps is a company with more than twenty years of experience in pump business. Throughout this time we have grown to be not only the most successful pumping machinery provider countrywide but also a rich and reliable resource of information and expertise.

Our products are especially tailored for Australian market - they are reliable, efficient, safe and easy to maintain. However the most important thing is that they were put to a test countless times and are considered trustworthy by some of the Australia's biggest companies.

We are providing a range of high quality products to a variety of customers from industries such as: construction, emergency, mining, agriculture, sewage maintenance, gardening and housing. We also deal with lots of individual customers applying our equipment to their gardens, swimming pools and ponds.

In our store you can find many different types of pumps for various, specialized applications as well as sewage and stormwater pits and septic tanks along with electronic controllers and other accessories to fulfill all of your watering needs. We ship countrywide in quick and convenient manner and will be happy to help you choose exactly what you need.

We are so certain in quality of our goods that every product is covered with 7 days of replacement guarantee.

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