Probiotics for Health

Mucosal ulcers caused by CMV may have super infection by fungi and bacteria, justifying this association. Candidacies are usually seen in mucosal surfaces, occasionally invading deep tissues and producing systemic disease16. In our study, one patient and oral candidacies developed pulmonary involvement that caused death. CMV infection was the second most common infection. Other  Miracle Biotics studies showed the digestive system as one of the most usual sites of this infection9, 17, and 21. In India, a study of the digestive system in 49 autopsies showed CMV in 27% of cases22. We found CMV infection in all segments investigated, being the most common infection in large bowl, stomach and small bowel. Clinical consequences of CMV infection are varied, one can observe little or no tissue reaction in the organ involved. Patients do not usually have gastrointestinal symptoms. Advanced disease is represented by

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