Rugs Online

2/142 Townson Avenue, Minto, NSW 2566
+61 452 379 862
Shoaib Abbas

Here at Rugs Online, we are dedicated to providing you with the very best of rugs, with an emphasis on authentic tribal Persian rugs, modern area rugs, and luxury floor rugs. Our mission is to make decorating easy and affordable by providing our customers with high-quality rugs at affordable prices.
Founded in 1992, our family has been in the rug industry for almost 3 decades. Rugs Online has come a long way from its beginnings in Sydney, Australia. When we first started out, our passion for handmade rugs drove us to start our own business. We slowly started off by working from our garage and shipping to local customers.
Currently, we have 7 distribution centers including USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, and China. We can keep our prices low by maintaining close relationships with rug artisans, designers, and factories that make our goods. This partnership has allowed us to establish ourselves as the rugs industry leader and curate a vast range of products at wholesale prices. We are a team driven to provide excellent customer service not only at every step of your purchase but even after the sale.
Products : Handmade Rugs, Persian Rugs, Afghan Rugs, Turkish Rugs
Payment method : Online payments, paypal, credit card etc
Business hours: 24 hours
Address: Minto, Sydney, NSW, 2566, Australia
Phone no: +61 452 379 862
Business mail:

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