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Nyah West, VIC 10012
yasir shah

Oil to the people's diet show are your oil you had no protein no bottoms no minerals no carbohydrate is that oil it empty calories and so that diluted out the nutritional value of the potato still you can get into this paper we did they say first while they say the people did knottier up there all potato diet there was no creature no craving for change and then they say even though they were both physically active they were described as in good health one diet in which the nitrogen other is a protein was practically solely derived from the potato as Russians prize any of you who study history you know there have been many times Western Europe since the sixteen hundred’s and in South America for at least 13,000 years every many times where whether or not a population people survived depended upon the potato the potato sports the world why pillars have nutrition and hands through of written history it's amazing frothier populations in Russia and Poland that’s all they had was potatoes alright I'm going to give you right now the reason said Diaberine I believe and I think I can prove to you that the human P lives on starches star cheater that our diet your diet my diet is a starch paste I the reason is that all large populations trim healthy people throughout all verifiable human history have obtain the Backend dark hours from starch not let me make a little clearer for you all large populations a trim healthy people no exceptions trawl verifiable human history is very important history that we can verify by Ranger her a good archaeological finds have obtained the popular killers from starch barley in the least for eleven thousand years we've known that's been the basis their diet the site these a recent archaeological finds in a min talking about inner a place near the Dead Sea they found this storage house twelve-foot in a diameter.

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