New York, 10005
Jessica Rugerio n associated with harassment of teachers. What are the teachers doing to provoke and increase the suicide fire among the students? What should teachers do to help their students erase suicidal thoughts from their minds? This article offers valuable insights and perspectives on the ways in which teachers can help stop the threat of suicide in educational institutions worldwide.


Many cases of suicide reported in educational institutions point globally to teachers. These have always been in the form of harassment. Teachers exert a greater influence on students, especially in decisions related to life and death. Therefore, teachers should be aware of their words and actions towards their students. These students are mostly fragile and inexperienced. They usually act according to their feelings and mood in various conditions.


Many teachers have been engaging in verbal abuse of their students often with less performance. These academically boring students often receive unfavorable verbal attacks from teachers who only discourage them. It makes them feel hopeless and useless, even wishing to end it all by taking a suicidal decision. These teachers generally whip them by making angry comments as an external signal of their dislike of academic achievement. Such derogatory comments include 'You're worthless!' "You should not have been in school!", "Your classmates will do it in life and you will suffer the worst part of your weak academic performance!" Some instructors deliberately post the actions of weak students on student bulletin boards only to be mocked by their colleagues. These comments and actions often terrify many of these students who do not want to face embarrassment as a result of their academic failures, usually committing suicide.


On the other hand, the harsh punishments given to undisciplined and undisciplined students are also a major cause of suicide. Okay, some students will always make mistakes. Therefore, to maintain disc

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