Massage Mundaring

505 McCallum Road, Mundaring, 6073

505 McCallum Road

Mundaring, WA, 6073



Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Massage, Lymphatic Massage

Massage Mundaring is run by a talented female massage therapist and is based from her home studio in Mundaring. Trained in an introductory Traditional Thai Style Yoga massage course, in Northern Thailand mid 2015, Her eyes opened to the different cultural style of massage, which is offered fully clothed with pressing, stretching, extending and rotating techniques focusing on meridian and acupressure points. Her chosen style of massage is Deep Tissue and Trigger Point which she believes to be powerful at unlocking and manipulating the muscle fibers, allowing new oxygen and blood to restore the tissue. Her technique is described by her clients as fluid, deep, rhythmic, releasing and restorative.

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