Ipswich Laundromat

3/36 Gledson Street, North Booval, QLD 4304

Ipswichlaundromat.com.au provides professional Laundromat Booval, Ipswich Laundry Service, and Mobile Laundry Service. Also offer state of the art facilities to get your washing done in a comfortable, safe and relaxing environment. Call us @ 0499 667 799.

Clean Clothes Ipswich Laundromat Offers Doing Your Laundry With A Fresh, Modern Twist: Clean Clothes Ipswich Laundromat offer state of the art facilities to get your washing done in a comfortable, safe and relaxing environment. Wireless Internet is available at Ipswich Laundromat, with printing facilities. We also have comfy chairs and a great flat screen TV to enjoy while your washing is doing its thing!

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