+61 (1800) 921251 Change Bigpond Australia

4 Sunish Ct Sunbury VIC 3429, Australia, 4 Sunish Ct Sunbury VIC 3429, Aus 3429
+61 (1800) 921251
+61 (1800) 921251

A username should be one of a kind. All individuals are approached to give a username and secret word. A client needs a username to keep up the security of their record. It will guarantee that no unapproved gatherings can get to their Domain Name data. To get to Member Management and Manage Domains Functions that will empower you to adequately make alterations to your Domain Name. The user can implement the given solution. The customer will need to provide few personal details as well as some supporting documentation for the Bigpond to process their request. Both methods are listed down as below:

Method 1

The customer is required to send a copy of their old ID (showing their old name) also a copy of their new ID (showing their new name).

Method 2

The customer is required to send a copy of an official document that proves that their name has changed. The documentation is required to be issued in Australia.

The customer can have a clear understanding of the requirement to update their changed name in the Bigpond account. In case any customer cannot update their changed name in the Bigpond account can contact our Customer Care.

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