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I view it as a potentially classic intelligence yes as a member of the club some of my colleagues would say it's in a gray area the adding up the results so far it's our specialists Stella and Susan lagging behind perhaps they’re fantastic at what they do but limited to their own field so are there tests that would measure their unique intelligence out on the extremes of intelligence research as a man thinks there are doesn't matter doctor Geiger professor Gardner beaten com Howard committed for over years Neuroflexyn  professor Howard Gardner has been developing just about the most controversial theory going the major move I'd made in the study of intelligence deplore lies at I've come up with an alternative view which is called model intelligence model intelligence theory to perform some kind event action in the air your music when the area navigation is very different than to perform in scholastic an assignment and my whole analysis over many years suggests it's a mistake to category era to lump all these together and to call them intelligence professor Gardner is convinced we have at least eight relatively separate intelligences this is completely opposite to the IQ which it seems that we all have just one Jen intelligence so you might be wonderful and understanding other people but a disaster doing crossword puzzles art flying an airplane so we do know that an individual’s high-performance in one area simply doesn't protect high-performance in other areas we tested our seven for one of the most controversial have gotten sometimes bodily walking a static intelligence these goggles turn everything upside-down see uses things upside down I say freaky I got I can see a bit contact they must move the place setting from one table to another pour a glass water then bounce the ball and put it through the hoop all against the clock first up Nathan Seth and Bonnie it's a test appeal body control not the world ideas and calculations there or used for once death bull I'm trying not to throw up that is my personal strategy bonnie is on the wrong track back above thing on the web content to anyway can find that job Jesus upside down Nathan is frustrated so I guess that’s the spot right there.




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